January 21, 2004

It just dawned on me.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004 Posted by Mary , No comments
From nowhere, an idea came to me tonight. Well, I can't say that I didn't have inspiration, because I did. A really negative inspiration it was though, but nevertheless, it helped me decide. I now want to do something, and I'm determined to do it. I can't go on telling people what it is yet, but I hope luck will be with me. Heh heh heh. Ganbarimasu!

Ferris University

Anyways, vacation official started at Ferris yesterday. Yes, our last day of class was a Monday. Isn't that really weird? Well, never mind, that's how it is here. I also hear that the next semester's class will start on a Tuesday. O.O Hahah. Well, no use pondering about it. The problem now is, what to do until class starts again on April. Yes, people. That's two months! Back home, this piece of news would have been heaven, but here it's not. What in the world am I going to do? One consolation is that, the IT center at Ferris will be open all throughout the break. And hmmm... how about that part-time job Sasaki-san was talking about? Another thing really weird though is that classes are over but we still have papers due. Until Monday. That's something which would never happen back home, but I can't say that it's a bad thing! =P

Ferris and Silliman are really alike in some ways. For example, well you all know I have been taking British Poetry class right? Well my sensei is really good. He's British, he's written a lot of books about Britain, and he's been teaching in Ferris for 20 years! Last Monday, during our last meeting, I asked him if he was going to have the same class next semester. To my surprise, he told me that it was his last semester at Ferris! The reason is, he's also teaching at WASEDA (probably the top university in Japan) in Tokyo, and will be transferring to a new department there, so he's leaving Ferris. That was really too bad. I really liked the class! So, it made me remember SU and all the teachers moving on to CVPC to teach. Hehehe. Another British teacher, Annie and April's sensei in one of their classes together also had his last semester at Ferris. Hmmm. Whot's happening? Mass Briton migration of some kind? But guess what the all-girls schoolgirls are thinking? Ahehehe. Maybe some hot, young teachers are going to take their place?!? Bwahahahahahah!!!


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