February 3, 2004

New subway line...

Tuesday, February 03, 2004 Posted by Mary , , No comments
Last Sunday, Feb. 1, a new subway line opened around my favorite area in Yokohama, which is Minato Mirai. It's called the Minato Mirai Line and it runs from Shibuya, straight to Yokohama ChinaTown, passing through Minato Mirai. Annie and I wanted to witness it on the opening day, and we also wanted to check out what was happening at Chinatown for the New Year's Festival.

The new stations were pretty: still very clean and white, and the Minato Mirai station is right underneath Queen's Square (a shopping center beside the Landmark Tower), which is downright wonderful. It was great to see all the people crowding on that first day. I hope now, Yokohama will be much more appreciated by people from Tokyo and by foreigners. It's normally taken for granted and it's always in Tokyo's shadow. However, people really should realize that it's a great place to be in. Minato Mirai is definitely amazing, and you can't find it anywhere in Tokyo or anywhere else in Japan, I believe. It's right by the bay, the view is amazing, the tallest building is there, the shops are bountiful and fairly cheap, it has an amusement park, and with all the lights and the cold sea breeze, it's the prime dating area in Japan! Heheh. So all you people out there in Tokyo, drop by this place soon!

On a sadder note, two of the exchange students from Taiwan will be leaving tomorrow. We'll really miss them coz they've been so nice to us and showed us around when we got here. It's amazing because when we arrived, they were still gonna be staying for half a year. Now, February 3, exactly 5 months after we arrived here, it seems like time has passed so fast. And soon, we're gonna be the ones who will be leaving! Times like these always remind me to stop whining and make the most of my stay here. I guess I'm finally starting to appreciate my time here now...


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