March 30, 2004

Spring Rain

Tuesday, March 30, 2004 Posted by Mary , , , No comments

It's raining again. Now, you might wonder why I'm writing a journal just because it's raining. Well, don't ask me. I don't know either. For some reason, I just want to write an entry today. Maybe it's because I've been tinkering with the look of my journal again. Or maybe it's because I've been thinking about a lot of different things lately, and when I think about them, I go: Hey, I should write a journal entry about that! But then when I come to the pc, I almost always forget what I wanted to write about. Gah. I'm getting old!

Anyway, just a few minutes from now, we're going to have a meeting about the welcome party for the new exchange students here at the dorm. The party is going to be on Friday. Yay, eating time again! LOL. We each have to pay 300 yen each, but since you can't even buy a decent lunch for 300 yen here, that's already a very good price for an eat-all-you-can kinda thing.

It's amazing to think that we have less than 5 months to go here. Phew. I'm not homesick, but you know, it's just different. Annie and April both say that they've been here long enough. I don't know what I feel about that. Of course, I'm not exactly happy-happy about being here, but it's also not as if I can't wait to get out of here. There are just certain things I miss about the Philippines, that's all. Being out of your country is really a wake-up call. No matter how much your country sucks, when you're away, that's the time you realize that it still has its advantages.

Our time here has been both good and bad until now. People are always asking us if we want to come back to work here or live here in the future. For now, April, Annie, and I all agree that we don't want to work or live here again. But who knows what's going to happen? Everytime I think about it though, I know I'm gonna miss some of the things here in Japan. It's not home, but it also has its advantages.


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