July 31, 2004

Update Update

Saturday, July 31, 2004 Posted by Mary , No comments
Ohh, sooo busy. Sorry, don't have time to do my journal. I'm in the process of doing the single greatest drawback of traveling: packing. And of course, squeezing all the last sight-seeings, parties, and omiyage-buying in between. Tough work indeed. Wish me luck!!! Soon I'll have to say goodbye to...

July 26, 2004


Monday, July 26, 2004 Posted by Mary , , , , No comments
Went on a Tokyo Bay cruise last Saturday with some friends that I met on the chat party a month back. I was shocked when we got to the port, because I was expecting that we would just be on one of those small sight-seeing boats, but I was wrong, it was really a ship! It wasn't especially big, but maybe...

July 24, 2004

And I live!

Saturday, July 24, 2004 Posted by Mary , , No comments
Just when I thought I was going to die: starving, bereft of entertainment on my last month here in Japan... I live! Hahaha. In other words, I am not broke anymore! By no means am I rich, but, I believe I now have enough money to pay my bills, buy food, and to some extent, enjoy my last two weeks in...

July 21, 2004


Wednesday, July 21, 2004 Posted by Mary , , , , , No comments
Busy, busy, busy! But thank God it's finally over now! Annie and myself all dressed up for hanabi My friends and I went to hanabi last Saturday. Hanabi is the summer fireworks festival in Japan. We went to the one that was held in the water near Yamashita Park. Oh my God, there were so many poeple...

July 16, 2004


Friday, July 16, 2004 Posted by Mary , , No comments
If you're a foreigner in Japan, you'd most likely be stared at, looked down upon, considered stupid, talked about, and always considered an outsider. When you are another Asian (especially brown-skinned ones like me), or when you are black, then the intensity of those treatments I mentioned above gets...

July 15, 2004

U.S.-Philippine relations

Thursday, July 15, 2004 Posted by Mary , , , No comments
Being in Japan, I don't know much of what happens in the Philippines nowadays, but another blogger's latest entry has woken me up to what's happening in Manila and in the Middle East. The Chancery of the Manila American Embassy So the latest hostage in Iraq is a Filipino. This still comes as quite...

July 13, 2004

Ueno Zoo

Tuesday, July 13, 2004 Posted by Mary , , , No comments
I went to Ueno Zoo last Saturday. I figured, I just have to see the pandas before I leave. I just have to. So I went with my friend Japanese friend Sacchan, and we got to see the lazy bears. When we got there around lunch time, they were sleeping. There's two of them in Ueno now, Ling Ling (male)...

July 9, 2004

Tropical is best.

Friday, July 09, 2004 Posted by Mary , , No comments
The tropics and its inhabitants are often misunderstood. This is what I have recently realized. Up until now, I have more or less thought that I live in the hottest place on earth (apart from the desert, of course). Surprise, surprise. I do not. I don't exactly know why I thought that way, but...

July 8, 2004


Thursday, July 08, 2004 Posted by Mary , , No comments
I finally finished reading Villette by Charlotte Bronte. Yeah, yeah, yeah! Why did that book have to be easy to put down? Took me ages, and heaps of other books in between to read it. Teehee. Ok, what else. Hmmm. One more week of classes to go! Need to make two papers, and take one exam. Not...

July 5, 2004

The Wedding and Digital Fortress

Monday, July 05, 2004 Posted by Mary , No comments
I finished reading both books in the span of 24 hours. What can I say? Well, I love The Wedding. It's so sweet. I was still crying all through-out the book, but this is Nicholas Sparks' first work where there's a delightful surprise at the end. I think that's the main reason...

July 3, 2004


Saturday, July 03, 2004 Posted by Mary , , , No comments
In my previous entry, I wrote about the weird thing that happened at one of the stations here. So, someone really did jump from the platform onto the tracks. Waaaaaaaa! >.< Sale season has come! Since our allowance had just come too, we (, April, and I) decided to take advantage of it....

July 1, 2004

Networld + Interop and something strange...

Thursday, July 01, 2004 Posted by Mary , , No comments
I went to Chiba today with Uchida Sensei for the Networld + Interop 2004 Tokyo, an IT exhibition. For those who don't know, Chiba is another prefecture located directly beside Tokyo (this is where NARITA Int'l. Airport is), but on the opposite side of Yokohama. It took us almost 2 hours to get...


Thursday, July 01, 2004 Posted by Mary No comments
I was finally able to watch The Last Samurai last night, and, I only have one thing to say: Tom Cruise, I love y...