October 29, 2004

Good and Bad

Friday, October 29, 2004 Posted by Mary , , No comments
Ah, finally! After endless posts about bad days and unfortunate happenings, I can finally write some good news! Mabuhay! Yahoo! ASIA Philippines Edition is now on the world wide web! It's not yet Yahoo! Philippines, but it is a start! :D Flattered. Enrollment is over, and thankfully, contrary to what...

October 23, 2004

Once In A Lifetime

Saturday, October 23, 2004 Posted by Mary , No comments
I feel very, very, very rotten. :( I missed a once in a lifetime event. I wasn't able to go to SPUD's Alumni Homecoming. It was today/tonight/probably still going on right this very minute, and I didn't care so much before, I thought I didn't feel the need to go, but now I am extremely disappointed...

October 19, 2004

Playing Teacher

Tuesday, October 19, 2004 Posted by Mary , No comments
As you know (or might not know :P), I'm currently teaching/tutoring English to three Koreans everyday, each person for an hour. Now, this is a very good part-time job, and I am quite grateful for it (and the pay is quite big for Philippine standards). However, it does have it's, erm... confusing moments. Like...

October 10, 2004


Sunday, October 10, 2004 Posted by Mary No comments
Wow, that week-end just passed by without me noticing it! That's weird. Maybe it's because with my life now (no school and all) every day feels like a week-end! Ehehehe. Oooh, my cousins and I are practicing an ethnic/folk dance 'coz our choir was asked to perform a number at a fund raiser at the...