February 25, 2011

I got hit

Friday, February 25, 2011 Posted by Mary , No comments
After driving for four and a half years, I had my first car accident yesterday. And I'm still seething from it. This 50-something man, in his easyride pick-up, just merged into traffic from the opposite side. He checked the traffic coming in his direction, but didn't mind that I was driving along...

February 13, 2011

Love Day

Sunday, February 13, 2011 Posted by Mary , , 2 comments
Last year, I had a cringe-inducing Valentine's Day. Let's not dwell on the details, but let's just say that being single, I made the mistake of going out with my mom, to a nice restaurant, where all the other diners were couples--an experience I will always remember not to let happen again. In the ensuing...