November 1, 2012

One Does Not Simply Fly Into Mordor

Thursday, November 01, 2012 Posted by Mary , , , 1 comment
Ever since I saw the movies and then read the books, I have loved The Lord of the Rings. In fact, maybe love is not even a strong enough term. I am obsessed with it. I love everything about it. It makes me happy. I've read the books, seen the movies... I even play the online game! I want to visit...

October 9, 2012

A Taste of Opulence at the Heritage Hotel

Tuesday, October 09, 2012 Posted by Mary , , , 1 comment
I've wanted to stay at the Heritage Hotel during my visits to Metro Manila, just to see what it's like. The place seems to be an icon, after all. During a quick trip last month, I was finally able to do so. It was perfect timing. I'd known only two days prior that I had to make the trip, and upon perusing...

October 8, 2012

New Puter

Monday, October 08, 2012 Posted by Mary , No comments
The last time I owned a desktop computer was in 2006. It's been so long! Ever since then, it's been laptops and netbooks for me, but not that I prefer them! It's good to own one to bring around, but really, your computer at home should be a desktop. They're easier on the eyes, wrists, and even on the...

September 30, 2012

Custom Cakes and Cupcakes

Sunday, September 30, 2012 Posted by Mary , , , , No comments
It was the birthday of one of my closest friends, Daphnie, the other day. I decided to order cupcakes for her (which Lyn also helped me pay) from another friend of ours, Bernice. Bernice makes custom cakes and cupcakes that look absolutely amazing! I've waited forever for an occasion where I could order...

September 19, 2012

A Pilgrimage to Simala

After being stagnant for months, I'm finally able to cross out another item on my bucket list: go on a religious pilgrimage. The Monastery of the Holy Eucharist in sitio Lindogon, barangay Simala, in the town of Sibonga, Cebu was our destination. It is there that the Virgin Mary has been performing...

September 4, 2012

One Year After the Whirlwind Civil Wedding

Tuesday, September 04, 2012 Posted by Mary , , , 2 comments
I can't believe it's been a year... but it really has been! One year ago today, my husband and I had our civil wedding ceremony--my original big day It was a whirlwind wedding, and it was going to be a proper church wedding, too. But we didn't want to take the risk. Because of work, my husband...

August 24, 2012

The Pork Chop and the Staple Wire

Friday, August 24, 2012 Posted by Mary , , No comments
My close friends and I always go out for dinner every week. It started out as a "Thursday habit" that was then moved to Friday and subsequently became "TGIF." This week, my friend Lyn, who is the executive secretary of Silliman University's Founder's Week Committee (the festivities are ongoing, by the...

August 22, 2012

Wedding Invitations

Wednesday, August 22, 2012 Posted by Mary , No comments
Coming up with the perfect invitation for your wedding can be quite stressful. Since it's the first thing your guests will see, it has to make an impact. It needs to have personality! So when my wedding planner told me that no one does embossed printing and there were limitations on what could be done...

August 20, 2012

Like Books? Go Kindle!

Monday, August 20, 2012 Posted by Mary , , No comments
Ever since the Amazon Kindle came out, I've always wanted it. This was before the time of smartphones and tablets. But since it's basically just an e-reader, I never really made an effort to get one. Until a few weeks ago, when a friend of mine offered to sell his fairly-new Kindle Touch to me. I...

July 31, 2012


Tuesday, July 31, 2012 Posted by Mary , , , , No comments
After church every Sunday afternoon, my mother and I grab dinner at one of the restaurants in the city before we go grocery shopping. It's like a bonding ritual for us, and I'm always looking forward to it, as I love checking out restaurants... and of course, j'adore grocery shopping. Last Friday,...

July 19, 2012

The Church Wedding

Thursday, July 19, 2012 Posted by Mary , , , No comments
Last year, I made an entry about getting hitched in a civil wedding ceremony. I also mentioned the need for a church wedding to appease my parents and conform to society. On June 30, 2012, it finally happened. After almost one year of preparation and stressing out, the day finally came. The theme of...

May 13, 2012

Back to SPUD

Sunday, May 13, 2012 Posted by Mary No comments
Last March, I was asked to give an inspirational message to the high school honor students of my alma mater of 12 years (kindergarten to high school), St. Paul University Dumaguete, during their Recognition Day. I was honored by the request, and going back was such a homecoming. It was surprisingly...

March 2, 2012

Prayer to St. Jude

Friday, March 02, 2012 Posted by Mary No comments
O most holy apostle, Saint Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honoureth and invoketh thee universally, as the patron of hopeless cases, and of things almost despaired of. Pray for me, who am so miserable. Make use, I implore thee, of that particular privilege accorded to thee,...

February 12, 2012

Farewell, Whitney

Sunday, February 12, 2012 Posted by Mary , No comments
Today (February 11 in the United States), one of the greatest singers of all time, Whitney Houston, died. My heart is aching. I grew up listening to her music and I loved her songs very much. She had the most wonderful voice and she made the most beautiful songs. She truly was my idol. But she didn't find happiness in this life, despite her beautiful voice that made so many people happy. With...

February 7, 2012

After the Quake

Tuesday, February 07, 2012 Posted by Mary , , No comments
It feels like the island of Negros is being re-shaped. We've been having aftershock after aftershock since the earthquake the other day, which was apparently caused by a blind fault--a fault that no one knew existed. As of 6:00 pm yesterday, there have already been over 1,500 aftershocks. They've gotten...

February 6, 2012


Monday, February 06, 2012 Posted by Mary , , , No comments
Today, at 11:49 am, Dumaguete experienced an Intensity 7 earthquake. I was at work at the time, and the quake was really strong! After the tremors subsided, we thought all was okay, but suddenly, some of our students mentioned receiving text messages of receding waters in the shorelines of the towns...