April 27, 2004


Tuesday, April 27, 2004 Posted by Mary , , No comments
I swear, I think the islands of Japan are the most abused by Mother Nature among all the places on Earth. Why? Because there are earthquakes almost everyday. And, they have the worst typhoons ever! Today, the wind was blowing like crazy, and it was raining, too. I come from an archipelago in the Pacific and so it shocks me every time their winds here blow stronger than at home. But honestly, they really do! Most of the time when it happens though, I'm just inside the dorm, so I just hear it howling in the distance or banging on my glass windows. Today however, I had to go to Yokohama for a lesson in Japanese with my tutor. Boy, was it scary. All the time I was thinking like, Oh no is this wind gonna blow me away?!. It sounds ridiculous, but if roofs and other stuff get removed during typhoons, then it can blow people too, right? >.<

It also ruined my umbrella. :(( Good thing I just bought it for 100 yen. Heheheh. I bought a new one (for 1000 yen now), but in the end I couldn't use it. The wind was blowing so hard it was impossible. Annie, since she lives on the 3rd floor of the dorm, said that sometimes she'd feel the building shake if there was a gust. See, isn't that scary?

On another note, the manga I ordered from Amazon arrived today. It's called Chobits. Hmmm. I read it, but I still like One Piece better, though. ^^;

kowaii - scary


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