July 13, 2004

Ueno Zoo

Tuesday, July 13, 2004 Posted by Mary , , , No comments

I went to Ueno Zoo last Saturday. I figured, I just have to see the pandas before I leave. I just have to. So I went with my friend Japanese friend Sacchan, and we got to see the lazy bears. When we got there around lunch time, they were sleeping. There's two of them in Ueno now, Ling Ling (male) and Shuan Shuan (female) who they brought over from Mexico so that Ling Ling could impregnate her. Heheh. That hasn't happened yet though. Anyways, they had their own rooms (maybe they should try keeping them in the same room?), and I truly hope the air was controlled in there, because it is freakin' hot in Japan now.

Now, I would suggest to adults who have a conscience not to go to Ueno Zoo in the middle of summer. Zoos are only good for kids, I think. Because while I was there, I felt so sad for all those animals. They were going crazy with the heat! There was this polar bear--imagine, a polar bear in 30-degree weather--and he was surrounded with cement and he just kept on walking back and forth around his area, panting. There was water below, and another polar bear was swimming swimming, but that poor one looked as if it had gone crazy. There was another big, black bear and it was just lying there in the cement, looking beat, licking water that was dripping from a water hole above him. Those poor animals. >.<

I did get up-close and personal with a dozing tiger though, with just glass between us. Those big kitties are soo soo cute!


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