May 4, 2004

Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre

Tuesday, May 04, 2004 Posted by Mary , No comments
One of the classes I'm taking this semester is entitled Home and Abroad in English Literature, and for that class, we're discussing the unfinished autobiography of a classic English author, Jean Rhys. Rhys' most popular work is the novel Wide Sargasso Sea, which is the life story of Mr. Rochester's lunatic wife in Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre.

Next semester, they will be reading Wide Sargasso Sea in this class, and since I won't be here anymore, our professor kindly lent me a copy of the book so that I could read it ahead. Undoubtedly, among the two books, Jane Eyre is more popular, and since it is the inspiration (or at least one of its characters is)--the "original", so to speak--I decided to read it before reading Rhys' novel.

And so, I just finished Jane Eyre and it's amazing. It is so beautifully written, and by god, it made me cry (more like sob actually) so many times. There were parts in the book where Jane totally exasperated me, as she is very stubborn, but in the end, I was thankful for her personality. All in all, I love this novel. It is truly a literary gem and would recommend it to anyone. Now however, I'm kinda apprehensive about starting Wide Sargasso Sea. In Jane Eyre, the lunatic is kinda like the antagonist. And then I move on to this book, where she tells the story--she's the main character. I think it's going to be interesting. I know that there are always two sides to a story, but I just hope these two books don't contradict each other very much and that I won't be disappointed.

On another note, I entered the Philippine Blog Awards contest. Heee. I know my journal's not very good, but what do I lose by entering? Nothing. I'll probably fix up this page soon to make it look more, erm... sophisticated. ^^; Hehehehe. If you wanna see the list of all the entries, just go to their website. My link's on there, too. XD~


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