April 7, 2004

The Da Vinci Code rocks!

Wednesday, April 07, 2004 Posted by Mary , , No comments
I just finished reading The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown and I must say, it is one helluva book.

Normally, I don't read thrillers/suspense books, but I love history, and The Da Vinci Code was the #1 book on Amazon for a really long time, so I was really happy when I found a copy of it. Despite its popularity, I didn't really know what the plot was about beforehand, but when I found out what it was, I became totally engrossed. It's about that story that everyone has heard about but I'm sure just slipped your mind: the quest for the Holy Grail.

I won't go into much detail about it for those who haven't read it yet, but I just have one thing to say: if you haven't read this book, go read it! The plot is just absolutely amazing! All I could think of while reading it was "How did he come up with that?" I won't say that it's the best book though [The Count of Monte Cristo still holds that title for me], but it's really interesting and is a must-read! People might just ignore the story about the Holy Grail, but this book makes you think about it. Just go get a copy now! =)

To all the people who've read the book, please comment!


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